A farmer with cow dung ready for composite preparation
Village Savings and Loans Association Training in a community
Cattle being watered in a ranch in Mali
Preantation at The Launch of Health Food Africa Project Septembe r 2020
Launch of Health Food Africa Project Septembe r 2020
Community engagement session in Cheshei
A maize farm of CIFSE
Training of women in Village Savings and Loans Associations at rural community in Tamale
Visit to partner farmer based organization UNPCB office in Ouagadougou
A visit to a ranch farm in Ouagadougou
Nutrition Education in ten Schools
School garden(PagaZaa iin Northern Ghana)
VLAS sharing session where pass book is used to determine each member share and contribution
Soya Processing training in to different recipes
Post Office Box TL 820 Tamale, Ghana
Telephone: +233243540629 / +233244512946
Email: info@cifse.org